Peaceful Protestors in Baltimore. Image courtesy of http://mic.com/articles/116524/outrage-over-baltimore-riots-completely-misses-the-point

Ninth-grader Tremaine Holmes shakes hands with Captain Erik Pecha in front of the Baltimore Police Department Western District station during a protest against the death in police custody of Freddie Gray in Baltimore April 23, 2015. Sait Serkan Gurbuz/Reuters
The many stories I sorted through painted a picture of fear and blame. None of them seemed to express any truth. I looked and looked for something that made sense to me. I decided to pay attention to the photographs surrounding the matter. I saw people that were frustrated; people that wanted to be heard and appreciated, not be turned into a villain that would be hunted and killed. I saw parents desperately worried about the safety of their children. I saw people working to promote peace by shaking hands. I saw groups congregate bravely and open-heartedly ask for compassion and understanding of their experience.

Photo by Samuel Corum, Anadou Agency ,Getty Images. Image courtesy of http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/28/us/baltimore-riots/
Yes, there may have been hot-headed people rioting out of frustration. Those people may not have been able to express their emotions in a healthy, constructive way. Yet there were countless people seeking understanding in a peaceful way. Let us not ignore that message: We are all souls in human form. Each of us wants the liberty that is only available through compassion and equality. We all want a fair chance to be understood and make our own unique path in this life. This is a birthright for all human beings regardless of age, gender, race, or religion.

Photo by Bishop Cromartie. Image courtesy of http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/28/us/baltimore-riots/
Let these images remind us that we are all capable of compassion, understanding, and creating solutions when we ditch our fear and blame. Let us work together, bravely, and create a real solution.
Many thanks to the artists, writers, and photographers that captured and shared these moments of truth. Your vision and bravery are appreciated.